Valley Vision Named Regional Organizer of Workforce Initiatives

Funded by the California Workforce Development Board through Sacramento Employment and Training Agency (SETA), Valley Vision has been working in conjunction with four workforce boards covering nine county regions to align opportunities to advance economic prosperity for the Capital Region. Recently, Valley Vision was named the official Regional Organizer to continue this effort with expanded emphasis on converging and coordinating multiple regional workforce-related projects into a more comprehensive and inclusive workforce development initiative.
Key components of this strategy include:
Continuing to Drive Demand Driven Skills Attainment
Valley Vision has been convening industry sector partners including business, education and workforce development to ensure training programs are producing skills attainment in line with employers’ evolving needs. Valley Vision will continue this work on a regional level in the following growing sectors; Manufacturing, Healthcare, Food and Agriculture, Construction, Clean Energy, Information and Communications Technology and Hospitality.
Upward Mobility
Valley Vision will be assisting the four workforce boards on creating an inclusive workforce strategy providing opportunity for economic advancement for all. This will be accomplished by ensuring new and emerging programs and initiatives serve key populations including low income, historically disadvantaged, disconnected youth, justice involved, English language learners, individuals with disabilities, homeless and dislocated workers.
Alignment and Integration
Valley Vision will continue to work across regions, institutional and process silos to further align and integrate workforce development services to create system efficiency and maximum benefit job seekers and employers alike.
Renee John is a Valley Vision Project Leader managing projects within the 21st Century Workforce impact area.