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USDA Southwest Regional Food Business Center Quarterly Webinar (January 2025)

Institutional Procurement: A Path Toward Food System Resilience

The USDA Southwest Regional Food Business Center’s recent quarterly webinar, “Institutional Procurement: A Path Toward Food System Resilience”, featured speakers from UC Santa Cruz Center for Agroecology, Health Care Without Harm, and Center for Good Food Purchasing. Speakers discussed their organizations role in the purchasing of local, sustainable foods in hospitals, universities, and other large institutional settings. Presentations focused on organizations’ role in implementing procurement criteria and scoring, such as Center for Good Food Purchasing Scoring System, addressing challenges through multi-stakeholder equitable collaboration with community partners, such as HCWH’s Anchors in Resilient Communities Initiative, and the importance of effective data tracking systems to provide institutions data as a value proposition.


Air Quality and Public Health Events – Spanish & Vietnamese (September 2024)

Valley Vision, United Latinos and ClimatePlan co-hosted two educational community events on Wednesdays September 18th and 25th in South Sacramento, where more than 95 community members learned about vehicle emissions impacts to public health, and ways they can improve air quality.

Additionally, thank you to Teatro Nagual and Breathe California – Sacramento Region who contributed to two successful and impactful in-language events. Also, huge thanks to Laguardia Translations for providing interpretation services to Spanish and Vietnamese community members present at the events!

Presentation slides for both the Spanish and Vietnamese events are listed below:

  • Learn more about the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District’s Clean Cars 4 All Program, where income-qualified Sacramento residents can trade in their old vehicles and receive rebates for purchasing zero or near-zero emissions vehicles or electric bikes.

These educational community events are a part of the Sacramento County Vehicle Emissions Project (VEP) funded by Sacramento County Department of Public Health and the State of California Department of Justice.

CAP Technical Advisory: Checking in on the 2025 Blueprint with SACOG (December 2024)

At the December 6th Cleaner Air Partnership Technical Advisory Committee (CAP TAC) meeting, SACOG staff shared updates on the 2025 Blueprint, methodologies they utilized for land use and transportation assumptions, and what’s next on the timeline for 2025.

Thank you to the generous contributors to the Cleaner Air Partnership: Sac Metro Air District, Teichert, SMUD, CEMEX, Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District, Sutter Health, Sacramento Association of REALTORS®, Placer County Air Pollution Control District, PG&E, and the El Dorado County Air Quality Management District.

Additionally, thank you to SACOG Staff for the in-depth presentation:

  • Hannah Tschudin, Outreach Coordinator – Government & Public Affairs
  • Dov Kadin, Senior Planner – Planning and Programming
  • Samuel Shelton, Senior Planner – Transportation

Presentation Slides:

Other related resources:

Biomass & Beyond Regional Event (November 2024)

Valley Vision hosted a regional gathering at the Folsom Community Center where attendees discussed solutions for our forests and working lands, focused on the opportunities around biomass utilization. At the event, participants took part in establishing a shared understanding of biomass utilization, exploring workforce needs surrounding forest health and management, and agricultural careers in our region, and mobilizing leaders, community members, and decision-makers for action.

Resources including the recording and presentation slides are listed below:

Many thanks to our steering committee for assisting Valley Vision in event development:

      This event was hosted in collaboration with the Cleaner Air Partnership, Capital Region Climate Readiness Collaborative, and the Los Rios Community College District.

      CCABC Broadband Infrastructure Webinar (November 2024)

      Valley Vision, as manager of the Connected Capital Area Broadband Consortium (CCABC), hosted a broadband infrastructure deployment webinar on November 14th, 2024. With historic new levels of broadband infrastructure investment flowing into the region, the webinar provided news and updates on state and federal broadband grant funding programs, shared new tools to accelerate broadband infrastructure deployment, and offered the opportunity to interact and ask questions among presenters and participants. The webinar featured speakers from the California Public Utilities Commission, Southern California Association of Governments, City of Sacramento, AT&T, unWired, and Zayo.

      Drive Change Public Workshop (October 23rd, 2024)

      At the public workshop on Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024 at the Oak Park Community Center, Valley Vision partnered with the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to provide Sacramento County residents the opportunity to help develop regulations to reduce air pollution from gasoline cars and light trucks, and enhance the process of purchasing and driving a zero-emission vehicle. Residents also had the opportunity to learn more about local efforts to improve access to clean mobility and air quality.

      Thank you to the California Air Resources Board for making this event possible, and thank you to the organizations and agencies who provided resources to community members. Last but not least, thank you to the community members who provided valuable input to help inform changes to clean mobility regulations!

      The following are resources that were shared at the workshop including the presentation slides:

        • The California Air Resources Board protects public health from the harmful effects of air pollution through development and implementation of clean mobility programs and regulations such as Advanced Clean Cars II. Stay informed
        • Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District’s Clean Cars 4 All Program is available to income-qualified Sacramento residents to apply for up to $12,000 towards the purchase of a zero or near-zero emission vehicle or electric bike. 
        • The City of Sacramento is expanding access to and awareness of electric vehicles primarily in under-resourced communities through the EV Blueprint project. 
        • Sacramento Clean Cities Coalition works to move fleets to zero-emission levels and implement mobility hubs for traditionally underserved communities. Engage with the Coalition.
        • The California Energy Commission provides funding to support the deployment of clean transportation infrastructure and technologies. Learn more about the Clean Transportation Program.

        Cleaner Air Partnership Quarterly Luncheon (August 2024)

        At the Cleaner Air Partnership’s August 2024 Quarterly Luncheon, attendees learned about the benefits of urban forests and tree canopies in addressing regional air quality and climate issues, and discussed the challenges of expanding tree canopy in the region.

        CAP events are an opportunity to learn about important air quality topics affecting the Sacramento region. Thank you to the generous contributors to the Cleaner Air Partnership: Sac Metro Air District, Teichert, CEMEX, SMUD, Sutter Health, Sacramento Association of REALTORS®, Placer County Air Pollution Control District, Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District, El Dorado County Air Quality Management District, and PG&E.

        Many thanks to the Sacramento Tree Foundation!

        Resources shared at the event are below:

        USDA Southwest Regional Food Business Center Quarterly Webinar (July 2024)

        Leading with Equity: Tribal Food Sovereignty & Inclusive Engagement

        The USDA Southwest Regional Food Business Center’s first quarterly webinar, “Leading with Equity: Tribal Food Sovereignty & Inclusive Engagement,” featured speakers from Local First Arizona and California Department of Food and Agriculture.

        Speakers discussed best practices for incorporating Indigenous knowledge and highlighted the unintended consequences of policies and funding that do not consider Tribal interests or approaches. They suggested pathways to build communication, develop partnerships, and establish trust. Additionally, the speakers addressed the critical infrastructure needed for Tribal communities, such as new wells, aggregating and distributing facilities, food-to-market distribution, and technical assistance, including business and market development skills.

        Air Quality and Public Health Event in South Sacramento (June 22, 2024)

        Valley Vision, United Latinos and ClimatePlan co-hosted an educational community event on Saturday June 22nd, 2024 at Valley Hi-North Laguna Library, where more than 50 community members learned about vehicle emissions impacts to public health, and what they can do to improve air quality in South Sacramento.

        Thank you to Teatro Nagual, Breathe California – Sacramento Region and Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District who contributed to the success of the event!

        Interested in learning more about air quality in South Sacramento? If so, attend other air quality and public health events by signing up for updates at

        The following are resources that were shared at the event:

        • Learn more about the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District’s Clean Cars 4 All Program, where income-qualified Sacramento residents can trade in their old vehicles and receive rebates for purchasing zero or near-zero emissions vehicles or electric bikes. *The program will re-open to new applications in August 2024*. 

        These educational community events are a part of the Sacramento County Vehicle Emissions Project (VEP) funded by Sacramento County Department of Public Health and the State of California Department of Justice.

        CAP Wildfire and Biomass Bus Tour (April 2024)

        On April 8th, 2024, Valley Vision and Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) co-hosted a full day bus tour in Placer County where participants experienced firsthand wildfire impacts and explored strategies for improving regional resilience.

        Video Recap (produced by Austin Twietmeyer, Placer County Water Agency):

        Cleaner Air Partnership (CAP) events are an opportunity to learn about important air quality topics affecting the Sacramento region. Thank you to the generous contributors to the Cleaner Air Partnership: Sacramento Metropolitan Air District, Teichert, CEMEX, SMUD, Sutter Health, Sacramento Association of REALTORS®, Placer County Air Pollution Control District, Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District, El Dorado County Air Quality Management District, PG&E, and Nikola Motors.

        Many thanks to Placer County Water Agency, the Placer County Air Pollution Control District, and the Placer Resource Conservation District for sponsoring and co-organizing this event!

        Resources shared by speakers during the bus tour are provided below:

        Public Safety Regional Advisory: Dispatchers Power Point

        CAP Luncheon: Capital Region Climate Priorities Plan (March 2024)

        At the Cleaner Air Partnership’s March 2024 Quarterly Luncheon, attendees learned about the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) program and opportunities to address regional air quality issues.

        CAP events are an opportunity to learn about important air quality topics affecting the Sacramento region. Thank you to the generous contributors to the Cleaner Air Partnership: Sac Metro Air District, Teichert, CEMEX, SMUD, Sutter Health, Sacramento Association of REALTORS®, Placer County Air Pollution Control District, Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District, El Dorado County Air Quality Management District, PG&E, and Nikola Motors.

        A huge thank you to the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District!