What Are You Grateful for in 2019?

As each year comes to a close, Valley Vision staff reflect on what we have been grateful for over the past year. It’s an annual tradition, and we are excited to share our reflections with you. Thank you for continuing to support and collaborate with us!
Sonia Dueñas: “I am grateful for good health, friends and family, and to work amongst an awesome team.”
Isa Avanceña: “Grateful to work for causes I believe in and people I admire; to live in a city I love; and for every moment I get to spend with family, friends, and loved ones.”
Bill Mueller: “I’m most grateful for 15 years with the best board, staff team, and regional partners that have transformed thousands of lives for the better.”
Trish Kelly: “I’m grateful for the opportunity to work with my committed colleagues and partners who are dedicated to making the region healthier, more equitable and a great place to live; for new opportunities working in partnership with other regions and the State on inclusive growth strategies; and as always for my family.”
Yzabelle Dela Cruz: “I am thankful for opportunities to do meaningful work, a space to go home to every night, and people and pets to love!”
Ashley Spencer (Align Capital Region): “I am grateful my heath and the ability to move, challenge and strengthen my body and mind. My girlfriends who are truly like sisters I never had, Pete and the life we are building together. my sweet little nephew who makes the holiday season that much sweeter.”
Alan Lange: “Family and friends top my list. But my not-so-obvious point of gratitude goes to a competitive Sacramento Kings squad. Nothing better than being in Golden 1 Arena during the closing minutes of a close game!”

Houa Vang: “I am thankful for the abundance of love and support from my friends and family throughout my life thus far. I am also thankful for working with a team who is passionate in making the community a better place.”
Adrian Rehn: “I am grateful for all of the things I have been given by others this year – it’s hard to believe that I deserve these opportunities.”
Jaqueline Chavez (Thousand Strong Intern): “I’m grateful for my family, friends, and all the opportunities I have been blessed with this year.”
Evan Schmidt: “I feel very fortunate to live the life that I get to live: having a loving and supportive family, working on topics that I care about with smart and supportive colleagues, and living in a community that I love, alongside good friends and neighbors.”
Meg Arnold: “I’m grateful for sailboats, goldendoodles, soup, haircuts, and chili (both vegetarian and non) – and also for the confidence of the Board and staff as I move into the Interim CEO role at Valley Vision in 2020.”
Emma Koefoed: “Friends, family, and health!”