Cap-to-Cap Air Quality Team Issue Papers (2024)

Valley Vision has a long history of participating in the Sacramento Metro Chamber’s Capitol-to-Capitol program, which serves as our region’s premier Federal advocacy opportunity each year. This year’s “Cap-to-Cap” was the largest on record, with 425 leaders participating. The meat of the program is fast-paced advocacy meetings with our legislative delegation as well as committee and agency staff.
The Cleaner Air Partnership, which Valley Vision staffs, staffs two of the thirteen policy-focused “teams” focused on (1) air quality and (2) wildfire. This year, our teams elevated funding for a comprehensive suite of air quality strategies as part of the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant program, climate projects of regional significance, and technical but extremely important policy fixes like letting air districts “write off” smoke from preventative prescribed fire instead of getting dinged by U.S. EPA.
Please see below for the Issue Papers our team carried this year, as well as accompanying professionally designed “leave behinds” corresponding to each paper: