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Sector Studies: Hospitality, Culinary, and Tourism

Strong Workforce Program (SWP)

The Los Rios Community College District, in partnership with Valley Vision and in collaboration with Lake Tahoe Community College, Sierra College, and Yuba Community College District, invests in Strong Workforce funding to organize and convene Regional Advisory Meetings. The objectives of the Regional Advisory meetings are to build strong relationships between employers, educators, and the workforce.

Recordings, presentations, and meeting proceedings reports from the Hospitality, Culinary, and Tourism (HCT) industry advisories are available here for all workforce development stakeholders.

Workforce Needs Assessment

Workforce Needs Assessment reports and presentations present findings on analyzing the Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation industry cluster. The resources provide overviews of the cluster, industry trends, and economic impact, as well as overviews of the top-demand occupations in the cluster requiring postsecondary education or training, projected occupational demand, institutions providing related education and training, and possible workforce gaps.

Valley Vision and partners are working across the region to address the key findings from these assessments as part of Developing a Ready Workforce.

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